The Showcase in Mountain View gives local musicians a chance to shine

The Showcase in Mountain View gives local musicians a chance to shine

The Showcase in Mountain View gives local musicians a chance to shine

Open mic nights have long been a staple for emerging musicians to test new material and gain stage experience. But what happens when they're ready for a bigger stage? The Showcase, a monthly concert series at Roger Bar and Restaurant in the Ameswell Hotel, offers a step up from traditional open mic nights, providing a more polished platform for rising artists and audiences alike.

Held on the first Friday of each month, The Showcase is curated by Maleli Raiyawa and Rafael de Ausen (known as Rafael Unplugged, associated with Clique SF and Sets in the City). Raiyawa explained that the series is designed for artists who are building confidence and experience, featuring a selection of four to five performers each night, each given 20-minute sets. After their performances, artists are interviewed by Raiyawa.

“We wanted to create a next-level experience,” Raiyawa said. “Many open mics only offer short slots, and we wanted to provide more time and visibility for local singer-songwriters.” The Showcase serves as a bridge between open mic nights and more significant performance opportunities.

The evening begins with an open-mic segment where attendees can sign up in advance for short sets during soundcheck, starting at 6 p.m. This allows musicians to perform as the equipment—high-quality sound systems and lights—is being prepared for the main event.

Henri performing at The Showcase at Roger Bar on August 2, 2024. Photo by Anna Hoch-Kenney.

Raiyawa and de Ausen, both active in the local music scene and familiar with open mic events like Red Rock Coffee’s longstanding series, are committed to fostering community through music. Raiyawa has a history of hosting and organizing music events in Mountain View, while de Ausen brings his expertise from Guam, where he owned a photo studio. His background in technical and artistic support enhances the events, offering musicians valuable resources like high-quality photos, videos, and promotional materials.

“We help set them up for success after the show,” de Ausen said.

De Ausen’s involvement with the Ameswell began when he was booked as a performer. The idea for The Showcase evolved, and he brought Raiyawa on board to co-curate and host. The Ameswell has been enthusiastic about the project, leading to an expansion of their Friday night entertainment to include a series called “Fresh Friday,” featuring various line-ups including sometimes de Ausen and Raiyawa themselves.

Mona Dena, a local songwriter, performer, and music educator, has performed at The Showcase and values the experience. “De Ausen really knows what he’s doing with the sound quality and organization,” she said. She also appreciates the post-performance interviews and promotional support. 

“I’m impressed with how much care they put into promoting the artists,” Dena said. “Maleli is a fantastic emcee, and the post-set interviews provide insight into the songwriters’ processes and experiences.”

Dena, who hosts two open mic nights in downtown Redwood City, is inspired by the quality of The Showcase and aims to bring a similar vibe to her own events. “I strive to create a space where songwriters feel comfortable sharing their work,” she said.

Musician Melinda Kausek, active in the local music scene since 2023, has recently started recording and releasing singles. She has also participated in several events at the Ameswell. Kausek connected with Raiyawa and de Ausen through open mics at venues like Red Rock and Mama Kin in San Jose. Like Mona Dena, she has been featured as an artist at The Showcase.

“I really appreciate how Rafael, Maleli, and their team are creating opportunities for emerging artists to move beyond regular open mics,” Kausek shared via email. “Everything—from the venue and sound system to the videography—elevates these events far beyond typical open mic nights. They also provide more accessibility than trying to secure such gigs independently. Their support boosts my confidence and encourages me to put myself out there even more.”

Raiyawa noted, “Melinda is the kind of artist we want to feature because she’s dedicated to promoting her music. We’re here to support that in any way we can.”

The lineup for the September 6 edition of The Showcase will include Amour de Seine, David Hobbes, Hannah McDonald, and Redemption Breaking.

For Raiyawa and de Ausen, supporting the local music community is a true passion. “The Showcase has become our passion project. I initially wanted a podcast or interview show, and Rafael had the idea for the showcase. We combined the two concepts,” Raiyawa explained. “So many people have incredible stories to share. If someone has a story, we want to provide the stage for them to tell it.”