BTSN Parent Fair celebrates renovated Tower Building

BTSN Parent Fair celebrates renovated Tower Building

BTSN Parent Fair celebrates renovated Tower Building

Attendees are raving about the Back-to-School Night events held this evening on the Quad, which marked the second year of Palo Alto High School’s Parent Fair.

The evening kicked off with a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the official opening of the new Tower Building, completed after over two years of construction. 

The Quad was bustling with activity, featuring tables and booths showcasing various Paly organizations, including the Early Child Development pathway, the Speech and Debate Club, and the AP Capstone program. The pep band and cheer team provided lively entertainment, enhancing the festive atmosphere.

Assistant Principal LaDonna Butler noted that the event, organized by the Parent Teacher Student Association, aimed to foster unity among Paly families.

“It was a chance for people to meet each other and gain a better understanding of our goals, particularly concerning our core values,” Butler explained. “We wanted to bring families together and promote a sense of community.”

Parent Tatiana Sandler was particularly impressed by the campus and the new Tower Building.

“The campus looks beautiful,” Sandler remarked. “The renovations are complete, and the Tower Building is spectacular. I took a little tour and was blown away by the amazing facilities.”

Parent Zixia Zhang valued the opportunity to learn more about Paly’s programs and engage more deeply with her child’s education.

“I found Back-to-School Night really helpful,” Zhang said. “It’s great to visit the classrooms and see what’s happening. Sometimes our kids are so busy that they don’t share everything with us. Now we know how to get more involved and better support them.”