

Last seen: 2 months ago

Birmingham born and bred with both a street and book education, thanks to a Miles College graduation

Member since May 19, 2024 xyz.westsidejames@gmail.com

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After 7 Homícídes in 9 Days Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin Wants to Use Tax Payer Money to Pay Crimínals to Behave.

After 7 Homícídes in 9 Days Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin...

Part of the reason why Birmingham is such a mess is lack of leadership

Scandal & Corruption
LÜST, LIES & GANG TIES: Birmingham Dístríct Attorney's Secret Relationship With Corruptîon, Crîme and the Críps!

LÜST, LIES & GANG TIES: Birmingham Dístríct Attorney's...

The Corruption Plaguing Birmingham Comes From the Top

Down Goes Another One

Down Goes Another One

Mobile Police Identify Vîctim In Fátal Shóotîng