Disunity In The DNC: Democratic Convention Marred By Protests, Party Rifts


Disunity In The DNC: Democratic Convention Marred By Protests, Party Rifts

Pundits framed the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois as a festival of joy, yet the event has been marred by protests, disorganization and a growing rift within the Democratic party.

Convention speakers and media pundits have been quick to highlight joy, energy and unity as convention themes after President Biden bowed out of the race, but a darker cloud looms over the event.

Pro-Palestinian protests, which the media casted as “mostly peaceful,” broke out on day one. Footage the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) captured showed they were anything but mellow.

The protests, a development party and city officials widely anticipated as they poured over $75 million into security for the event, turned ugly on day one as demonstrators wrestled with cops and threw bottles and signs at the police, according to the DCNF.