Montgomery DA: Current Crime Issue Isn’t New; Montgomery Citizens: So What The Hell Has He Been Doing?

Though, a more logical question would be why is this guy still in office?! (Paging my people, Black people!)

Montgomery DA: Current Crime Issue Isn’t New; Montgomery Citizens: So What The Hell Has He Been Doing?

[] –Montgomery DA Daryl Bailey has claimed he has been sounding the alarm about Montgomery’s crime issues for at least a decade. Let me repeat that: the man charged with prosecuting criminals claims that he's been complaining about known criminals roaming free for a decade!

Montgomery is not experiencing a sudden uptick in violent crime; the increase started more than a decade ago, but it’s only now catching the attention of Montgomery’s wealthier residents.

This is according to Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey, during an interview on the liberal Alabama Politics This Week podcast published Friday morning. Bailey, one of the longest-serving DAs in Alabama, said he was warning about a spike in violent crime as far back as 10 years ago.

“I’ve been saying this now for at least a decade – that we have had a violent crime problem,” Bailey said. “So to me, it’s nothing new. I think what has happened is that crime has moved out to East Montgomery, and a lot of people are now paying a lot more attention to it because it’s come into neighborhoods where typically violent crime hasn’t been, and it’s caused a lot more people to pay attention to it, especially those with businesses and investments in Montgomery.”

Over the last several years, Montgomery’s more affluent population has steadily migrated east, building new schools and escaping areas of the city where crime was more prevalent. Meanwhile, city leaders downplayed the growing crime problems in less affluent areas, assuring residents that the crime issues were confined to those committing crimes and were essentially nothing for the regular folks to worry about.

But Bailey said that was never really the case, and that in the DA’s office and police department, they could see the ever-increasing problems. This is why he spoke up all those years ago and began taking action to try to head off the problems.

For the first time, though, he said he now feels as if the majority of the city is paying attention to the issue and that they’re finally motivated enough to make meaningful change.

“I don’t think it really matters why people are paying attention to it, I think it’s good that people are paying attention to it,” Bailey said. “For the right or the wrong reasons, whatever, I’m glad that people are finally paying attention to it because it’s something that we do need to resolve and to work on.”

Bailey identified several problems and changes that need to be made. This includes ensuring some perpetrators of crimes aren’t allowed back on the streets so easily and addressing various manipulations of the cash bond system (a system that Bailey said he would like to see abolished altogether due to its inherent unfairness).

However, he also said the solutions to Montgomery’s issues are much deeper than many seem to believe. This, ladies and gentlemen, is where liberals (who, God love'em, should NOT be prosecutors hired to protect the public) start to talk about feelings and other nonsense that's going to get us all killed! 

“It’s very complex, obviously,” Bailey said. “It’s not just ‘lock them up,’ as if that is going to be the answer. That’s certainly part of it. There are people that need to be separated from society. I mean, there are people that would rather shoot you and your family than have a conversation with you. And those folks do need to be separated from society. I don’t have any issues with that. But if we’re truly doing our jobs and we truly care, we’ve got to do a lot more on the front end to make sure that these folks are not coming into the criminal justice system to begin with.”

Bailey also spoke about the failures of many parents, new initiatives that might be coming, and Montgomery’s massive murder case backlog. Things we've all heard time and again. I mean, at this point, Montgomery is almost more dangerous than Birmingham, which has lose its status as Alabama's biggest city because crime is so bad there and is now ranked as the state's murder capital.

Oh, and Birmingham also has this silly, we-are-the-world, let's -baby-the-bullies liberal regime, with a mayor who's just as corrupt and incompetent as Reed and Co — who, swear to God, he actually attended college with. 

Why are we Negus being tricked by melanated mofos masquerading alongside their blurry-eyed Bailey types and seemingly always having to suffer fools?!

To listen to the full interview, go to the Alabama Politics This Week webpage here or click the link.