Field Hockey Season Preview 2024 Following their last season, the Paly field hockey team is looking to play hard and learn new skills in a higher league.

Field Hockey Season Preview 2024 Following their last season, the Paly field hockey team is looking to play hard and learn new skills in a higher league.

Field Hockey Season Preview 2024 Following their last season, the Paly field hockey team is looking to play hard and learn new skills in a higher league.

The Paly field hockey team is gearing up for the new season and adapting to their move to the De Anza League. With this shift comes an increase in competition, as the team looks to build on last year’s success.

Junior Charlotte Barclay, entering her second year on the Varsity team, is ready for the heightened challenges. “We’re moving up to a tougher league, so we’re expecting more challenging matchups,” Barclay noted. “We’ve lost some key seniors, so we’re focusing on filling those gaps and continuing the momentum from last season. I’m excited to bond with the new teammates and get to know our new head coach.”

The team is also adjusting to new leadership under head coach Clare Doyle. Doyle’s pre-season focus has been on not just physical conditioning but also fostering a positive, confident mindset to tackle the tougher competition ahead.

“As long as we stay confident, work hard, and embrace the challenge, we’ll be successful,” junior Sarah Thieman said.

With intense training and conditioning, the Varsity team is committed to improving and learning from each game. “I’m confident that our hard work in practice will lead to significant progress and success,” senior Polina Vanhulsen added.