Class of 2025 reunites at annual Senior Retreat

Class of 2025 reunites at annual Senior Retreat

Class of 2025 reunites at annual Senior Retreat

On August 14, the Class of 2025 kicked off their senior year with the annual “Senior Retreat” at the upper school campus. The day featured a mix of panels, faculty-led workshops, and team-building activities designed to set a positive tone for the year ahead.

The retreat began with an alumni panel held in Patil Theater, moderated by Director of Alumni Relations Karan Lodha. The panel included recent graduates Riya Arora, Dawson Chen, Angela Gao, Nikki Kapadia, and Kavita Murthy, who shared their experiences on topics such as transitioning from high school to college and the college application process. Senior Audrey Feng found the panel particularly impactful.

“It was very informative and made me excited for senior year,” Audrey said. “Hearing from people who’ve been through it at Harker gave me valuable insights and a better perspective on what to expect in the future.”

During the senior retreat, Christopher Hurshman hosted a game of “Blood on the Clocktower,” a murder mystery that tested players’ skills in bluffing, persuasion, and deception. (Alison Yang)

Following the panel discussion, students participated in their first of two workshop sessions. The variety of workshops ranged from life advice, such as “Life Worth Living” with Senior Class Dean Christopher Hurshman and “Making and Managing Friendships” with History teacher Chuck Witschorik, to more active options like Math teacher Caren Furtado’s “Bollywood Dance Party” and “Play,” hosted by Director of DEI Patricia Burrows. Adam Pawliger (12), who attended Head of Upper School Paul Barsky’s “Breathing with Barsky,” appreciated the focus on meditation techniques.

Barsky led participants through a round of box breathing, emphasizing mindfulness and the therapeutic benefits of breathing exercises. “It was surprisingly relaxing,” Adam said. “We practiced box breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, and ended with a body scan where almost everyone fell asleep. I learned how calming focused breathing can be.”

In between workshops, Hurshman continued his “happiness” series with “Envisioning a New Tomorrow Today.” Previously, he had discussed finding happiness not through direct pursuit but by living purposefully. “Envisioning” focused on managing the increased responsibilities of senior year while maintaining a sense of self. 

“There’s value in you as a person, but it becomes most evident in the context of community,” Hurshman explained. “When you relate to others and fulfill your responsibilities, you are your best self. It’s a paradox, but you can’t be a flourishing individual on your own.”

After the second workshop session and dinner, students enjoyed laser tag, video games, board games, and a screening of “Shrek” in the Auxiliary Gym and Davis Field. This film marked the beginning of the “25 Films Through 2025” series, organized by the Film Club to celebrate the senior class with one film from each year between 2001 and 2025. Audrey noted that the retreat was a great way for the class to reconnect after a period apart.

“It was nice to see everyone and catch up with my teachers,” Audrey said. “I enjoyed getting to know my classmates and teachers better during the workshops before we start our senior year.”