Conservatory welcomes students and parents with kick-off

Conservatory welcomes students and parents with kick-off

Conservatory welcomes students and parents with kick-off

On August 21, the Patil Theater hosted the annual kick-off event where Conservatory teachers and students unveiled this year's initiatives and opportunities to parents and students.

Laura Lang-Ree, Upper School Performing Arts Director, announced an update to the Certificate Program. Students are now required to complete an interdisciplinary study in a performing art outside their primary focus, in addition to a minimum of three years of training in vocal music, instrumental music, dance, theater, or technical theater. Senior Iris Cai, a student in the instrumental music certificate program, emphasized the synergy between the arts and academic subjects.

“Music isn’t fundamentally different from other subjects,” Iris explained. “The skills you learn from music can be applied to creative writing and math. Performing with others on stage means music becomes a shared language, and that coordination can translate into language classes and science as well.”

The inaugural panel included Iris, along with Jason Shim (12), Luke Mehta (‘24), Sawyer Lai (‘23), and Chris Gong (‘19’) and his mother, Maria Gong. They shared their experiences of balancing academics with performing arts and provided advice for current students. Additionally, Conservatory teachers announced the lineup of shows for the upcoming year.

Dance teachers Rachelle Haun and Jill Yager revealed that this year’s dance production theme will be “All You Need is Love.” Freshman Wanruo Wang, a member of the Harker Dance Company, expressed enthusiasm about performing with the team.

“Many parents believe that conservatory and the performing arts are a waste of time and detract from academics,” Wanruo said. “What I’ve learned here is that this is far from the case.”

David Hart introduced the 2024-25 Harker Concert Series, which will feature The Tropicales, Nancy Zhou, and the Poulenc Trio with Soprano Shawnette Sulker. The Jazz Band is set to perform at the Monterey Jazz Festival on September 28, and the Orchestra will travel to Chicago in the spring. Junior Eric Dong, a member of the Orchestra, shared his excitement for his third year in the ensemble.

“I’m looking forward to working with the clarinet section again,” Eric said. “We have two returning members and three new freshmen, so it should be fun. I’m also excited about the Chicago trip and concert days because performing is always a great experience, and it’s a chance to hang out with friends.”

Upper School Theater Teacher Brandi Griffith introduced this year’s fall play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” while Susan Nace, Upper School Music Teacher, presented Capriccio, the Conservatory’s new chorus. Capriccio will perform alongside Dolce Voce, Rhapsody, and Downbeat at the Heritage Choral Festival and record at Walt Disney Studios. Production Manager Brian Larsen and Technical Director Paul Vallerga highlighted their tech theater classes and upcoming crewing opportunities.

Lang-Ree and Griffith also presented their respective productions: Griffith’s fall play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and Lang-Ree’s spring musical “Guys and Dolls.” Head of Upper School Paul Barsky concluded the event by expressing his gratitude to everyone involved in the Conservatory program and underscoring the value of exploring performing arts during high school.

“The work our students do in the Conservatory distinguishes them during internship applications and later in college,” Barsky said. “It helps celebrate their uniqueness and clarifies what they bring to the community.”