Neil Cavuto Corners Teamsters Head After Union Fails To Endorse Candidate Despite Workers’ Support For Trump


Neil Cavuto Corners Teamsters Head After Union Fails To Endorse Candidate Despite Workers’ Support For Trump

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto pressed Teamsters Union President Sean O’Brien on Wednesday after the group decided not to endorse either presidential nominee despite over half of the union’s workers supporting former President Donald Trump.

Despite historically backing Democratic candidates, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has not declined to endorse a presidential candidate since 1996. While on “Your World With Neil Cavuto,” O’Brien stated that neither candidate was able to pledge to the group’s “commitments,” as he responded to Cavuto highlighting how Republicans were the only party to invite him to their convention.

“We interviewed both candidates and we were seeking commitments from both candidates. We couldn’t get solid commitments on our core issues like the PRO Act, like vetoing [the] national right to work, like staying out of labor disputes and not trying to force any contract on us like what happened to our brothers and sisters in the rail industry,” O’Brien stated.

“We didn’t get solid commitments from either candidate which was a major factor in our decision as a general executive board not to endorse any candidate,” O’Brien continued. “However, we did a lot of polling, as you know, and the polling leaned heavily towards former President Trump, so that’s –”

However, Cavuto then jumped in asking O’Brien if he appeared “disconnected” from his members as he noted the polling swayed “very heavily” in Trump’s favor.