g**Alan Dershowitz: President Biden Has the Opportunity to Make a Lasting Impact in His Remaining Time in Office** **OPINION**


g**Alan Dershowitz: President Biden Has the Opportunity to Make a Lasting Impact in His Remaining Time in Office**  **OPINION**

The legacies of the last two Democratic presidencies—those of Barack Obama and Joe Biden—will be marked by what many see as appeasement of Iran, allowing it to assert dominance in the Middle East and potentially pursue a nuclear arsenal.

Obama has been likened to Neville Chamberlain in this modern context of appeasing a threatening regime. In 1938, Chamberlain believed he had secured a peace treaty with Hitler, famously declaring “Peace in our time,” only to have Hitler violate it at the earliest chance by invading Czechoslovakia.

By the mid-1930s, Nazi Germany's ambitions to dominate Europe should have been apparent to Western leaders. As Joseph Goebbels noted in his diary:

“In 1933, a French premier should have declared (and I would have if I were in that position): ‘The new Reich Chancellor is the author of Mein Kampf, which clearly outlines his intentions. This man cannot be tolerated near us. Either he goes, or we march!’ But they didn’t act. They left us alone, allowing us to navigate the dangerous waters, and once we were well-armed and stronger than they were, the war began!”

Similar to Chamberlain, Obama, Biden, and Harris appear to believe that “peace in our time” can be achieved through appeasing Iran and bolstering its economy. The outcome has been predictably disastrous: with sanctions relief and a massive boost in oil revenues, Iran has been empowered to intensify its proxy warfare against Israel and the United States through groups in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Yemen, and potentially Sudan.