Meet Huntsville's Gina Guerrera

Forensic Chemist by day, Dance Choreographer for the @huntsvilleballetcompany by night Gina Guerrera

Meet Huntsville's Gina Guerrera

Meet Forensic Chemist by day, Dance Choreographer for the @huntsvilleballetcompany by night Gina Guerrera, Madison resident from Connecticut.

Favorite Quote: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Favorite Childhood Memory: Sharing a room with my older sister. If you’ve ever watched old seasons of full house, then you can picture it well!

What do you like most about Alabama: The people. Coming from the north it is so refreshing to meet those who are as friendly and kind as they are here. 

What do you love about the South: Mild winter, long summer!

Favorite Place in Alabama: Huntsville Ballet School. There is no place I love more than teaching, choreographing, dancing and being in the studio. 

Favorite Place in the South: Nashville, love the environment and good music you can’t find anywhere else not to mention new beginnings for artists. @visitmusiccity 

Favorite Book by a Southern Author: Where the Crawdads Sing - Delia Owens @authordeliaowens 

Your Mentor: I have many but in the dancer world, Shelly Hutchinson (teacher, choreographer, producer). She taught (dance) me as a teen and was as inspiring as they come. I still reach out to her for advice and support that I know I won’t find anywhere else. 

What you wish you could tell your 20 year old self: To be all that God called you to be, no matter what the naysayers say or think.