Kamala Harris Presidency Could Be A Nightmare Scenario For Pro-Lifers, Conservatives Concerned About DOJ Weaponization


Kamala Harris Presidency Could Be A Nightmare Scenario For Pro-Lifers, Conservatives Concerned About DOJ Weaponization

Vice President Kamala Harris used the power of the law to advance the interests of the abortion industry as California attorney general, which pro-life advocates and conservatives worry will reflect the priorities of her potential administration.

Recently released videos from a citizen journalist who went undercover to expose Planned Parenthood’s involvement in fetal tissue trafficking — and was subsequently investigated by then-California Attorney General Harris — reignited criticism of her role in his prosecution. As prosecutions of pro-life activists have increased under the Biden administration, Harris’ past actions amplify concerns that her administration would take an even more aggressive stance, using the Department of Justice (DOJ) to selectively target political opponents.

David Daleiden, the journalist who was targeted by Harris for his undercover Planned Parenthood videos, doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that prosecutions of pro-life activists increased once Harris became vice president. “I think it’s a pattern for her,” he said.

“Her record shows that she is eager to weaponize the powers of her governmental office, whatever level of government it is, in order to chill the First Amendment speech rights of people who disagree with her,” Daleiden told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “And even more gravely, to do that on behalf of the very powerful special interests, like the abortion industry, that are her sponsors.”

While Harris was attorney general, her office initiated an investigation into Daleiden and a raid on his apartment, where agents seized his computer and other records, according to the LA Times. Current U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, who took over Harris’ position as attorney general in 2017 after she became a senator, later charged Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for using fake IDs and a shell company to secretly record conversations with Planned Parenthood workers.

Daleiden said the law he was charged under had “never been applied to an undercover journalist before.”

“She weaponized that law selectively and exclusively towards me,” he said.

Daleiden’s footage has been sealed for years, but Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s July release of the unedited footage subpoenaed by Congress enabled CMP to republish the videos.

“I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have like a leg for you!’ I’m like, oh shit, if other people were to hear me, they’d be like, you are fucking evil,” Tram Nguyen, vice president of abortion access for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, said in a video released Thursday, which Daleiden recorded at the National Abortion Federation’s 2015 commercial trade show. (RELATED: Tim Walz’s Admin Spearheaded Efforts To Cut Most Age Requirements For Genital Surgeries On Kids)

Planned Parenthood has long denied selling fetal tissue, claiming Daleiden’s videos were “misleadingly edited.” In a 2015 letter, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards announced the organization would no longer accept reimbursements for costs associated with donating tissue.

Planned Parenthood did not respond to a request for comment on the videos.

Harris has never answered questions about the content of the videos, Daleiden says. Since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, she hasn’t sat for an interview or held a press conference.

“This is completely unexplored territory for her as far as commenting on it or acknowledging it,” he said.