It’s Time For JD Vance To Adopt The Ugliest Cat He Can Find


It’s Time For JD Vance To Adopt The Ugliest Cat He Can Find

Donald Trump has made a concerted effort over the past week to appeal to centrist women on abortion. But J.D. Vance can do his part as well.

Ask any Dem-leaning woman what they think of Vance, and you’re likely to get the media brain-chip answer: “He’s weird.”

“He made that awful comment about ‘childless cat ladies.’ He, like, totally hates women.”

Of course, Vance is right about the cat ladies comment, but that hasn’t stopped the media from bludgeoning him with it. There’s only one way out.

I know Vance is a dog guy, but it’s time for him to go down to his local Ohio shelter and adopt the neediest cat he can find. Make a show of it: chat with the shelter volunteers, clean out some kennels, a nice big donation can’t hurt. Come home with the most pathetic looking cat they have —two legs, one eye, no teeth — nothing makes a liberal’s heart melt like a disabled kitty in a wheelchair.