Democrats Outraised Republicans Multiple Times Over In Key States During July


Democrats Outraised Republicans Multiple Times Over In Key States During July

State Democratic parties in Arizona, Wisconsin and Minnesota handily outraised and outspent their Republican counterparts in July, newly released campaign finance filings show.

Arizona, Wisconsin and Minnesota each have state legislature chambers with narrow majorities, paving the way for flips in either direction. Democrats outraised Republicans almost ten-to-one in Minnesota, five-to-one in Wisconsin and two-to-one in Arizona during the month, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

The Republican Party of Arizona raised $552,000 in July, compared to the $1.2 million raised by their Democratic rivals, FEC filings show. Arizona Republicans say they raised $2.58 million in the four weeks leading up to Aug. 14, according to an announcement a party spokesperson shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.