Bruins Football Entering Year Two Under Coach Gifford

Bruins Football Entering Year Two Under Coach Gifford

Bruins Football Entering Year Two Under Coach Gifford

Last August, the Santa Clara Bruins football program faced a whirlwind of change. Head Coach Nelson Gifford stepped in as a last-minute replacement, arriving without the benefit of a full spring or summer with his players. This meant a rapid-fire crash course in the playbook and a hastened preparation for the season.

Fast forward a year, and with Gifford returning for his second season, summer practices have been much smoother.

“There’s absolutely a night-and-day difference,” Gifford said, reflecting on the contrast between last year and this one. “This time, from the beginning of the year, everyone knows I’m the head coach, and having the same staff back means there’s already a level of familiarity. That experience is invaluable.”

Bruins lineman Santiago Lopez shared Gifford’s optimism about the preseason.

“It feels great,” Lopez said. “We’re building better chemistry than last year. With Coach Gifford in his second year, we’re all more familiar with him and each other. I think we’re in for a good season.”

The Bruins will rely heavily on this experience and chemistry, especially as they kick off the season against the MacDonald Condors. Santa Clara will be the only team with varsity experience, while MacDonald will be making its varsity debut with a roster full of juniors who have never played at this level.

“They’re going to be pumped for their first game,” said Bruins captain AJ Castillo. “They’ll give it their all, and we’ll give it ours. It’ll be a great test to see who comes out on top.”

While both teams are preparing diligently, there’s always a chance that the team that plays with a bit more freedom could gain the edge. In the final moments of Bruins practice, Santa Clara was working on a play that resembled the style of the San Francisco 49ers.

“It’s really fun to run plays like that,” said Bruins tailback Jayden Forks. “Seeing it on TV and then executing it here is a dream come true.”

The Bruins will also be starting a sophomore quarterback, Kalani Tesimale, just like their crosstown rival, the Wilcox Chargers.

“He’s a great kid and a fantastic player,” senior receiver Hamzah Punjsheri said. “We’ve built a strong connection with him. He’s a solid quarterback and a leader on the field.”

Gifford had high praise for Tesimale. “If you spoke to him, you’d be as impressed as I am,” Gifford said. “He’s a coach’s son and a three-sport athlete—football, basketball, and baseball. He’s a stellar student and embodies everything you want in an offensive leader. I’m fortunate to coach him.”

Tesimale and the Bruins will have their first opportunity to prove their readiness when they face the Condors on August 30.