Woman Mocked Ruthlessly For Performance At Olympics Epitomizes The Liberal Mindset


Woman Mocked Ruthlessly For Performance At Olympics Epitomizes The Liberal Mindset

he most un-serious Olympic Games in history are finally over.

Yes, the United States tied with China for the most gold medals, narrowly derailing a propaganda victory for the Chinese Communist Party. But mostly, the games will be remembered for their absurd viral moments: the opening ceremony mocking Christians; the woke virtue signaling on the gymnastics podium, only to be embarrassingly reversed; the casual Turkish marksman and the French pole vaulter whose blessing turned into a curse. However, the gold medal for absurdity undeniably goes to Australia’s Rachael “RayGun”  Gunn.

The internet has exploded with memes and mockery since the Aussie breaker’s embarrassingly awful performance. Unsurprisingly, it turns out actual dancing is only her part-time hobby; Gunn is a full-time left-wing lunatic and university lecturer with a PhD in the cultural studies of dance. But as is often the case with left-wing ideologues, we’re faced with the question: is this incompetence or malice?

But before we can answer that, we have to ask: how the hell did she get into the Olympics in the first place?

Paris was the first — and likely last — time that breaking was included in the Olympics. And the dancers seemed just as surprised as everyone else to finally be included, according to a report by Fox Sports. The Olympic qualifiers were overseen by the World DanceSport Federal, an organization historically dedicated to ballroom dance. The WDSF had long tried to get ballroom dancing into the Olympics, but knowing it lacked contemporary relevance, pivoted to breaking in what critics called an “underhanded plot.” And the Olympic Committee was more than happy to go along, since the sport is popular in France.