'Wear out than rust out': 88-year-old Bay Area veteran walks 7,000+ steps a day

'Wear out than rust out': 88-year-old Bay Area veteran walks 7,000+ steps a day

'Wear out than rust out': 88-year-old Bay Area veteran walks 7,000+ steps a day

This week is Senior Health and Fitness Week, and 88-year-old veteran Pete Estabrook is setting an impressive example. Despite his age, he consistently achieves at least 7,000 steps a day, a feat that could put many office workers to shame.

"My advice to younger folks is simple: turn off the TV, get out of bed, and go for a walk," Estabrook said.

Walking is a crucial part of Estabrook's daily routine. Rain or shine, he leaves his senior apartment to hit local trails, with a daily goal of 7,000 steps.

"As I’ve aged, I’ve shifted from running marathons to walking 2 miles a day," Estabrook explained.

From the trunk of his car, he shared a photo of his late wife and five grandchildren while proudly showing off his progress on the trail. 

Today, he has already walked 1.2 miles. Last Saturday, he reached 9,500 steps, and last week, he exceeded 12,000 steps in a day. Estabrook attributes his enduring vitality to his service in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

"When I was discharged from the Navy, I attended the Merchant Marine Academy in Vallejo, which led me to Vietnam," Estabrook said.

His dedication to fitness amazes the staff at the Kensington in Walnut Creek. 

"People often retreat from what they can no longer do, but Pete shows us to embrace what we can while we can," said Joseph Villanueva, executive director of the Kensington at Walnut Creek. "He inspires not only his neighbors but also us. Many of us don’t walk 7,000 steps a day!"

On Memorial Day, as Estabrook continued his trail walk, he shared his guiding principle: "I would rather wear out than rust out." This motto has driven him throughout the years, and he plans to keep moving for as long as he can.