Man Pleads Guilty to Murdering 19-Year-Old Outside Montgomery McDonald's

A man has pleaded guîlty to the fàtal shóotîng of a 19-year-old bystander in the parking lot of a McDonald’s restaurant in Montgomery.

Man Pleads Guilty to Murdering 19-Year-Old Outside Montgomery McDonald's

A man has pleaded guîlty to the fàtal shóotîng of a 19-year-old bystander in the parking lot of a McDonald’s restaurant in Montgomery.

Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey announced that Henry Wallace has admitted to kîllîng 19-year-old Ty’riq Moon outside the McDonald’s on Madison Avenue on September 5, 2019.

According to Bailey, Moon was struck in the head when Wallace began shóotîng at people outside the McDonald’s. The entire incident was captured on video surveillance.

Wallace faces a prîson sentence ranging from 20 to 99 years when he is sentenced on June 5.

“Henry Wallace acted recklessly with no regard for the consequences,” Bailey stated. “He opened fire on a crowd of people, and his unconscionable behavior resulted in yet another innocent young person in our community senselessly losing their life to gún violence. My office will fight vigorously to ensure that Henry Wallace remains off our streets forever.”