CCP-Linked Battery Manufacturer Avoids Scrutiny In Biden-Harris Admin Crackdown


CCP-Linked Battery Manufacturer Avoids Scrutiny In Biden-Harris Admin Crackdown

The new Treasury Department rules would empower federal authorities to apply scrutiny to foreign purchases of land within 100 miles of over 50 more military bases than previously allowed, including the National Guard’s Camp Grayling in Michigan, but would not apply to past foreign transactions near military facilities. As a result, a battery manufacturing plant being developed by Gotion, a firm with deep ties to the Chinese government, near Camp Grayling would escape expanded scrutiny under the proposed rules.

“Gotion may have scored a win of an exemption or special treatment by Treasury through its high-powered and well-connected D.C. lobbyists and legal team,” former U.S. ambassadors Joseph Cella and Peter Hoekstra told The Washington Free Beacon, who first reported on the implications of the rules. “This latest development is yet another example of how PRC-based and CCP-tied Gotion is involved in an influence operation and unrestricted warfare.”

Gotion’s China-based parent company, Gotion High-Tech, engaged in the 863 Program and Torch Program, two CCP-backed programs designed to acquire research and technology for the benefit of the People’s Liberation Army.