‘Are You Kidding Me’: Sean Hannity Clashes With James Carville For Defending Biden Admin’s Border Policy


‘Are You Kidding Me’: Sean Hannity Clashes With James Carville For Defending Biden Admin’s Border Policy

Democratic strategist James Carville defended the Biden administration’s border policy Friday during a one-on-one interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

The discussion spiraled into a broader debate on national security and accountability. Hannity pressed Carville with emotionally charged inquiries about the families of victims affected by crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, referencing specific cases.

“What do you say to Laken Riley’s family? What do you say to Rachel Moore and the mother of five’s family? What do you say to Jocelyn Nungarry’s family? I interviewed her mom and her granddad on my program right here,” Hannity asked Carville.

“I would have great difficulties. Anyone have great difficulty telling the parents in Uvalde, how are your children slaughtered with a legal weapon that no one has any need to have,” Carville responded. “You’re changing the topic,” Hannity interjected.