Trump Supporters Can Awaken A Sleeping Giant If They Rock Those Infamous Hats


Trump Supporters Can Awaken A Sleeping Giant If They Rock Those Infamous Hats

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” And it’s no secret that Democrats have taken a few lessons from Satan.

The greatest trick the Democrats and the media ever pulled was convincing Donald Trump supporters that tens of millions of their fellow patriots don’t exist.

If you live in a safely red area, wearing a MAGA hat in public is no big deal. Work, school, the local bar, deli or grocery store — you see it everywhere.

But for the millions of Trump supporters who live in deep blue districts, you see it rarely — if ever. Media propaganda has made Trump so toxic in these areas that wearing a MAGA hat comes with a social cost; you risk being ostracized by friends and screamed at by strangers. And since you don’t see open support, you come to believe that it doesn’t exist.

But the fact remains: there are millions of fellow urbanites and suburbanites who agree with you.  They’re starving for affirmation — for social proof that it’s okay to support Trump — and it’s up to you to give it to them.

Put on your MAGA hat the next time you take a trip to Whole Foods. If you’re a college student, wear it proudly around campus. Put it on backwards at your local “craft cocktail bar” so the patrons behind you can see. Ignore the genderless barista who scowls as you order your $9 latte. While some people might grumble, I promise so many more will appreciate it — and they just might find the courage to follow your example.

Every little act of resistance builds to a wave.